Uladzislau Rymasheuski

How to become #1 Product of the day? Wrong answers only :)

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Rob Slate
Definitely work with those fake upvote services! They say it's 100% safe. See, here's an email I just got from one of them! "⭐ Product hunt Upvotes ⭐ Product hunt Comments ⭐ Product hunt Followers ⭐ Product hunt Reviews ⭐ Product hunt Promotion through Ads are also possible. ⭐ Other Platform Upvotes are also possible. 📣 100% Safe Product hunt Promotion!" 😂😂😂😂
Uladzislau Rymasheuski
@robslate maybe they can even vote for you during 2024 election? :)
Rob Slate
@rimash they DID say "other platform upvotes are also possible." I'll have to give them a call for 2032 when I'm eligible for presidency 😆
Rob Slate
@rockyperezz If 100% Safe is a feature, I don't want it lol
Shahmir Faisal
Do what I did. Schedule a launch and forget that you are launching. I scheduled and got to know the next day that I had the launch yesterday lol
Anar Hagverdiyev
@shahmir_faisal I am sorry about that, but it is funny 😁
Tyrone Robb
Don’t launch
DM random people to support your product :D
George H
Make sure SSL certificate of your website expired :)
Launch and then log out. Refuse to reply to the comments and reviews - they are haters anyway. You don't need that negative energy.
Kate Ramakaieva
Buy as many upvotes as you can, borrow money, but do your best! 🤑
Philipp Jackson
Launch next day after registration 👌🏻
Anar Hagverdiyev
Don't create a product and go work as a tram driver.
Launch with no preparation
Eliza Crescini
Launching without any preparations :)
Ilyes Ouhadj
The best wrong answer is probably "Don't launch", I keep coming across discussions where people are waiting for 'dates that can be divided by 60 to launch', 'maybe start of the year is better'...etc! Launch as soon as possible! Speed to market is important, life is fast, nobody is gonna wait for you!
Uladzislau Rymasheuski
@zedkira Golden words! Will make a table goldstone with this phrase engraved when I'll collect enough gold! :)
Launch without prep and then try spam everyone you know who you didn’t help when they asked you but now you expect their support
Pam K.
1. Create a landing page with just a tagline of 5 words. Who reads websites anyway? 2. Join Product Hunt 1 month in advance of launch. Plan to troll discussions without contributing - operating in ninja mode to steal good ideas. 3. Follow just 1 profile - my own so if anyone checks my followers they can see how important I am. 4. Make teaser page public 1 day in advance of launch day just to make sure no one will copy the product idea. 5. Launch day - Sit back, relax with vino in hand and watch the upvotes like a hawk. ::::
Jaden Hong
Schedule the launch now!
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
Never engage with anyone in the community outside of PH and make sure all the content you provide is basic and boring.
Shajedul Karim
1. launch at midnight, when everyone's asleep. 2. describe your product in the most confusing way possible. 3. forget about visuals. who needs images or videos, right? 4. make sure your website crashes often. keeps people guessing. 5. ignore all feedback. you know best, always. 6. don't bother telling your friends or promoting it. let it be a hidden treasure. 7. and finally, make sure to check for typos. then add a few more for charm. do all this, and you're not just #1, you're a legend! 😉