Lucia Burtscher
How tired are you of Online Video Meetings?
The pandemic pushed it into our lives: many Online Meetings - mostly with Video. After the first honey moon of it, we face Zoom fatigue. But how tired are you really?
Sean Song
I love online video calibration with teammates, brainstorm, code, debug, together.
Chen Friedman
To be honest, they're not my favorite, but sometimes it's necessary evil, just to get things going in the right direction.
Maya Ben Zid
Reasonably tired. That's why we do a lot of team meetings in an audio-only format - it puts way less pressure on everyone and is more relaxing.
Tom Suter
Haha, maybe is a good idea? 😜
Tom Suter
@enola_vedovotto link is not working. Can you share it once more?
Tom Suter
@enola_vedovotto Cool! Thanks for sharing.
Alexander Eser
@claudia_lucia_burtscher , we are actually developing a solution to have more productive 1:1s and team meetings. Please check - We are launching our MVP soon and if you want to be one of the first users to try it out, please contact me at ajeser[at] or join our waitlist.
Giuseppe Di Nuccio
I think that in general, we're very tired of useless and non-necessary Online Video Meetings :). When used properly, and with the right preparation, mood, and frequency, it's a great way to collaborate, work together and see each other in the eyes. Of course, time optimization and avoiding an overwhelming number of meetings or a dangerous proliferation certainly would lead to tiredness and burnout. Like exactly anything else ;).
Suvojit Manna
Long meeting can be tiring, specially with bad audio setup, which is hard to avoid really. Many a times I have had headaches after long day of meeting.
Qudsia Ali
I will not say that I am tired of online meetings sometimes. They can get tiresome and extensively long when the team is struggling to achieve the purpose of the meeting. I usually enjoy online meetings; they are fun and easy-going rather than physical meetings.
Brian Regan
Online meetings can get tiring for sure, but the benefit of less travel (especially for customer meetings) is enough to offset the fatigue for me.
Joanne Hurley
I don't mind them, like any meeting if there is a clear agenda then they are a lot more tolerable, in-house meetings to me can be just as tiring. I was working for remote teams way before Covid hit so it's now just normal to me thankfully. Anything that means not commuting is a plus.
Ricardo Turpin
The online video meetings are here to stay. We have to face it, technology can help us and we should use it wisely. Talking about online meetings, we are launching today a new meeting scheduler called Ourly by Serviceform. Check it out and give us your feedback!
I absolutely despise video meetings now. But mainly because of a few companies I work for that like to get distracted with small talk, or start a meeting for something that could be relayed in 2 slack messages
Sakshi Gahlawat
I love online video meetings with my teammates but feel tired now.
András Juhász
One trick that I started to do is to have walking meetings. Even with or without a dog, it's a good opportunity to talk to others in a new environment, breaking the routine, especially if you don't have to present anything during the meeting. With modern phones and headsets, the noise isolation levels are surprisingly good!
@andrasjuhasz Interesting idea 💡
I don't mind online meetings. I mind that people are so used to the anti-socialising that they do not longer turn on the camera. I mean, how hard is that? But I guess it depends on how the manager sees this.
Hunter Zhao
It's necessary if your team works across multiple time zones... sometimes being physically present for meetings is just impractical.
K.J. Royal
I think people who have Zoom fatigue are using the software incorrectly. It was not intended to be a place you go to sit for 8 hours a day. Hop on a meeting with a clear agenda or a deck and get in and out within a 15, 30, or 60 min timeframe. Staying true to this process helps a lot!
Tom Suter
@kj_iconiq good suggestions!
Susan Harris Scott
@kj_iconiq absolutely true !!!
judd trump
at the time of COVID it is necessary to do video meetings rather than physical meeting rather time passage it become headache now I'm tired of video meetings
Michelle DeRepentigny
I like a mix. Some days I really want to get out and be in person, but the convenience of online is sweet also. It just depends on if I am in hermit mode or not.
Varun Kodnani
I like online meetings as they start and end on time but there are times when I miss meeting people physically