Hidden gems for developers
flo merian
21 replies
Meow Monday ☀️
Product Hunt is full of gems for developers.
Some are hidden tho. They weren't featured or didn't rank in the Top 5.
Let's shine a spotlight on them.
Here are some hidden, awesome dev-first products that I found here:
- - AuthKit by WorkOS: pre-built, customizable sign-in UI;
- - GitHub Copilot X by GitHub: AI-powered developer experience;
- - Gitpod CLI: take Gitpod to your local command line;
- - Linear Insights by Linear: instant analytics for any stream of work;
- - Liveblocks Yjs by Liveblocks: build Notion-like text editors in minutes;
- - Specify 2.0 by Specify: design token engine;
- - Tinybird Versions by Tinybird: iterate your real-time data pipelines with Git;
- - v0.dev by Vercel: generate UI with simple text prompts.

Nimrod Kramer@nimrodkramer
I know that I'm biased but I'd would also recommend daily.dev which makes it super easy for any developer to stay up to date
@nimrodkramer thanks, Nimrod! daily.dev is an awesome tool for developers indeed.
have you checked this discussion:
> What were the best developer tool launches you saw on PH?
you should add your contribution there, too :)
1up for TextExpander as well
@sentry_co +1 TextExpander!
now I use Raycast to create and manage snippets tho. have you checked its Snippet Explorer for inspiration?
@sentry_co interesting! out of curiosity -- what AI integrations would you like in Raycast?
@fmerian Prompt -> raycast -> terminal / vnc control. And then higher level agent scripting. Like a store for AI automation. I think their heuristic extension business is going the way of the dodo bird. They could easily take the AI era, but I don't think they will. I think it will be someone else. Rabbit.tech looks interesting if they dropped their focus on hardware and instead went all in on software. The cool thing tho is that this space is wide open to be captured.
I tried v0 by Vercel. I think it would be more useful if you could use it with references. Point to a specific dribbble and ask it to use that as inspiration.
@sentry_co *great* idea!
Not a developer but keeping an eye on this to share with my team:)
Awesome collection flo. Many tools I know are not here. So would share https://www.producthunt.com/prod... It provides a backend over SQL database.
@bhavik_chavda thanks, Bhavik!
this list certainly isn't exhaustive and focuses on products for developers not featured or that didn't rank in the Top 5.
Directus looks awesome tho!
have you checked this discussion:
> What were the best developer tool launches you saw on PH?
you should add your contribution there, too :)

Hoory AI
Great list!
We have used Vercel's v0, which is quite impressive and a real timesaver. Thank you for shedding light on these non-ranked hidden gems.
@yogita_pg thanks, Yogita!
on Vercel's v0, do you share @sentry_co's view?
> it would be more useful if you could use it with references, i.e. point to a specific dribbble and ask it to use that as inspiration.
@sentry_co @fmerian
Absolutely, @fmerian I appreciate the insight from @sentry_co While using an image from Dribbble as inspiration with Vercel's v0 creates cool design variants, But obtaining the actual code for the inspired design remains a limitation. The tool is excellent for exploration and ideation, yet for precise code replication, we might need additional steps. Thanks for the thoughtful discussion! 👍
> The tool is excellent for exploration and ideation, yet for precise code replication, we might need additional steps.
@yogita_pg true! I have the same feeling about AI assistants tbh. great for inspiration, still needs rework. thank *you,* Yogita :)