I have cyclothimia and honestly it really does. I have two periods a year where I'm basically unstoppable and willing to take on anything. Then two were it takes all my discipline to get to the office without being in disarray. I gotten very disciplined and found coping mechanisms to deal with both sides. With that said on my UP I have def overcommitted to things that my down personality can't actually fulfill and it took me at least one quitting on shame till I learned how to reset expectations.
I think this is a particularly difficult question to answer in the sense that I don't have a frame of reference working without it. My mental health issues weren't borne out of COVID and isolation but more long-term and harder to treat stuff, and while I'm sure I'd be different without it it's also more or less unimaginable to not have the conditions. So it's somewhat like asking me about physical pain. I can tell you that I experience it, but to what degree and whether you understand it in the same way I do, I very much doubt, and don't have a way to find out.
So to answer your question: yes it almost certainly affects my work, and I have no clue how.
In my opinion, this is a necessary foundation in intellectual and creative work.
If the foundations of your home are leaking, your walls can be blown away by the first wind.
The same will happen with your soft and hard skills if your mental health is at zero
So far the work was impacting the stress level and I was using tactics to manage that like running etc..but this time, Covid-19 situation in my country making me stressful thus impacting the work .
Oh yes it is so correlated!! I tried to take some time for me before going to the office, don't leave myself on 3rd, 4th position, because then the consequences are even worst, taking that time of relax/reading makes the difference and affects my general mood and then my efficiency!
We made an app (Therappy) for people on remote work when the COVID craze set in a year ago. It helps better cope with anxiety, stress, and other mental health. My team launched Therappy on PH. I think it could be interesting in this discussion :)
Working like crazy affects my mental health for sure. I recently researched ways to boost "happy neurochemicals" (Dopamine, Serotonin, Gaba, Endorphins) in the context of work and found cool tricks:
1. Listen to music while working
2. (This one is obvious) Get enough sleep
3. Volunteer to help a colleague
4. Split your work into small, achievable tasks
5. Work outside (summer) or move your office to a sunny room
6. Take small "do nothing" meditation breaks
7. Yoga
8. Even remote, make time for different types of social interactions
9. Vanilla or lavender aromas in your workspace
10. Work with a creative mindset
11. A happy brain's diet (view article for details)
12. The jack of all trades: Exercise
Hope it helps people in this community - Fred
Since I work with query language, it's quite structured and I adore it because it makes sense, so it helps me hit that "alpha wave" space. I have to focus on solving the problem, getting a correct answer, figuring out how to check that answer. So, I find it really helps - especially in the midst of turmoil.
Quarantine has made most us focus on mental health and ergo realize we have a lack of mental health awareness. Ive become very aware and just as I physically exercise my body I mentally exercise my mind (mediatation, yoga, etc.)
In my experience, yes, it does. A lot of my work involves thinking and researching. So if I'm feeling off due to a bad sleep or my tea not being too hot, the mood slowly tiptoes into my work atmosphere, and wrecks everything. This has been happening more after the pandemic. To cut this out, I have started meditating and trying to have better control over my emotions.
@stuti One thing that I have realized over the years is that emotions are like kids. If you're not strict with them, they will walk over you. So, to be in control of my emotions, I try to force myself to do a task even if the voice in my head is like - "DON'T DO IT!" This is distressing at the beginning, but as you get good at it, you will know how to channel your emotions for doing productive work. Hope this helps.
I have had to quit multiple jobs due to my depression and Pure OCD. It didn't make my high functioning, in fact most days I would sit in my desk crippled with anxiety and fear of impending doom.
I've learned to manage it better in the last 3 years with CBT and increased medication dosage. There are no hacks, at least not in this case.
@killshiva I'm so glad for you. You're right. I gave up looking for hacks long ago. Consistent therapy helps. Actually, reading has been great for me. And also, actually creative output. Because most days I'm more crippled by the pressure I put on myself.
I actually find that work affects my mental health and not the other way round. When I have a toxic work environment or too much pressure or work stress my mental health deteriorates. It definitely affects how I work when that Happens.
A healthy mind is more efficient. Moreover, we cannot ignore the contribution of the peaceful working environment to efficiency. Concepts such as fear, restlessness, unwillingness, and unhappiness cause failure. I recommend meditation to protect our mental health!
It was only during the pandemic that I started to struggle with mental health issues. I almost lost a job because of it and had to take a month off simply because I was unable to physically get out of bed, let alone work. In the next job however, it was easier to bring myself to work because it was a job that I enjoyed doing. I still struggled with it but now instead of punishing myself for not being productive (which only made things worse), I started rewarding myself for whenever I got work done (regardless of how little it was) and it has improved my mental health and productivity drastically. Celebrating the smallest victories like getting out of bed, or having breakfast is how I got myself to this point today.
@mrinalini_r Celebrating small victories is exactly what works I think. I'm so happy you're able to do it! Here's to celebrating your self-awareness and articulation!