Happy Monday! How was your weekend?

Jason Andries
51 replies
I hope you all had the time to recharge during the weekend or to focus on your side projects. How was your weekend and what did you do?


I like your profile image outline, smart!
Lightning ⚑ fast.....
It was a wonderful and fulfilling weekend.
Yasmin Atkinson
That was quick. weekend simply occur? whoops
That was amazing. I had a trip with my family and spent a great time with them.
Jeremy Lopez
Amazing went camping.
Jason Andries
@j_lopez_226 Nice, spending time outdoors is a great way to recharge! Where did you go camping?
I had a pretty exhausting weekend due to some traveling, but my Monday was very productive though, having survived on 4 hours of sleep!
Jason Andries
@sana_ismail Congratulations on staying productive on 4h of sleep, that would be something I'd struggle with! Where did you travel to?
Igor Lysenko
I spent my day off full time, since I'm working on my product, you don't notice how fast the time flies. Probably because I'm a workaholic.
Since I just got back from vacation, I used the weekend to get going again! Also I got back into engaging again on my socials and connecting with my fellow creators! How about you Jason?
Jason Andries
@felix_digistash That sounds like a productive weekend! Where did you go on vacation? I spent time with friends and family and went to Beyoncé's Renaissance Tour in Brussels so I had a pretty great weekend myself 😊
Weekends are for nature. NO mobile signal or laptop-related work.
Satyanarayan Prashar
I took a day off, and chilled with friends. mainly to save my energy for my first dance on PH.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
Jason Andries
@satyanarayan_prashar That was a good idea! When are you launching?
Kyler Phillips
Pretty good, like many others I spent most of it playing the new Zelda!
Jason Andries
@kylerjphillips Haha I hope you had fun! How is the game?
Godstime Nwabue
I spent my weekend studying, reflecting, and taking care of my health.
Elissa Craig
I certainly added to my running thought doc for projects! Always love reviewing everything that bubbled up in my brain over the weekend.
Jozef Balaz
Launching this week so the weekend was πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»
Jozef Balaz
How about your weekend Jason?
Jason Andries
@jozef_balaz Oh the stress of launching! What day are you launching?
Jason Andries
@jozef_balaz I spent time with friends and family and went to BeyoncΓ©'s Renaissance Tour in Brussels on Sunday so I had an amazing weekend! Thanks for asking
Jozef Balaz
@jason_andries1 This Friday! What about yourself?
Ruby Smith
Went to a show to relieve the exhaustion of the week by laughing out loud.
Jason Andries
@ruby_smith01 I'm happy to hear you had fun! What show did you go to?
Tim Mortensen
It was Mother's Day here in the states. Got to celebrate some of the best moms I've been lucky to have in my life...and eat a lot of great food.
Nicola Alessi
it was quite eventful but enjoyable! we were in the throes of final preparations for our launch πŸ˜€
Jason Andries
@nicola_alessi Good luck with your launch! Have you decided on a date already?