Focus on their desires, not your...

Deluar Hosain
5 replies
“Why is no one buying?” Maybe your email and sms are pushing too hard to sell instead of solving a problem. Try flipping it: SELL: “Buy this (Product) today” SOLVE: “Finally feel confident with (Product)” People don’t care about the product itself. They care about what it does for them. Speak to the outcome they’re looking for. Show them how their life gets better with your product. • They don’t just want coffee. They want energy to crush their day. • They don’t just want software. They want more time in their day. Focus on their desires, not your product’s features. That’s how you go from no sales to “sold out.”


Charlee Cruz
I think it's all about showing them the 'why' behind the product. It's not just about selling, it's about solving a problem and making life easier.
Felicity Vaughn
I started shifting my messaging toward the outcomes and noticed people were more engaged.
Quinn Foster
Totally with you. People are more likely to buy when they can picture the benefit. It's all about what they'll get from it.
Mattie Newby
Such a great reminder! Focusing on the outcome and the value a product brings is so much more compelling than just listing features. It’s all about making the customer feel like their life will improve. Love the coffee and software examples they really drive the point home!
Nathaniel Cross
I agree with this 100%. People want to see how something can improve their lives, not just what it does.