
Do you have an affiliate program?

If so, what strategies have you implemented to attract quality affiliate marketers? I recently set up an affiliate offer for the first time, 55%, 180 day tracking pixel, recurring. Thought if I built it, everyone would sing up. So far, only two people have. So I built indieaffiliate.io ~ The best place to get your affiliate program discovered. Completely free forever. If you want some more exposure, consider submitting your product. My attempt to scratch my own itch and give back to the indie community. If you have any suggestions on the site or a feature you'd like, shoot me a dm or email.

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Willy, your initiative with indieaffiliate.io sounds like a great way to boost visibility for new affiliate programs. I'll be sure to list our program there and share it with fellow marketers looking for quality offers!
@xyz_333 Nice! Let me know what I can do to help! What are you working on?