We're having a small discussion in our office about this. The majority is part of the coffee-empire but a small group of tea-rebels is fiercely defending their opinion.
What about you?
At the moment coffee is my #1 choice.
Since we have a professional coffee machine in our tech-hub, I love foaming the milk myself, and making nice looking cappuccino. It's like a routine for me.
however, my plan next month to cut coffee consumption and switch to tea.
most of the tea I can buy in the stores in Germany is shit. that's why I'm going to look for some top quality tea. will update you on the progress :)
@lrueger Waiting 90-120 minutes to drink coffee after waking up aligns with the body's natural circadian rhythm. Cortisol, the "stress hormone," peaks in the first hour after waking, making the body naturally alert. Delaying coffee consumption allows cortisol levels to decrease, enhancing the impact of caffeine on alertness and energy.
@bahar_ozkan Damn, good to know! Reading this while drinking my 2nd cup of the day - the first one was right after waking up haha
Gotta try this out, thanks for sharing the info!