Nam Ramanathan

Product to feel good about yourself?

Hello Makers. As the organisation size increases, there are a lot of smaller things that you crack, but goes unrecognised. Is there a product/ place we can post that and feel happy about it? For instance, I guilt rode someone to give me a 15% discount, but there's no one to talk to about it. Do suggest if there is something like that?

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Tanya Volkova
If i got it right, we had a similar product built in-house at one of the companies. We called it gingerbread. Gingerbread was kind of like internal currency you could give and you had to specify why you're doing this. So like if someone gave you a 15% discount, you'd give them gingerbread and would have to specify that it's to this person for giving you 15% off. there was a board with all gongerbreads and reasons why they were given. it was pretty cool, helped a lot of people feel good. not sure it's the same idea you're asking about.
Nam Ramanathan
@tanya_volkova Yes, but something that is not just for teams or corporates, but for everyone who is working. I googled and found Nobly- where you can share anything about you doing good for the society at large, but is not in India. So, couldn't explore more