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  • According to you, what are the best B2B customer acquisition channels

    7 replies


    Valerie Fenske
    that really depends on the product and the cost of it. also, the buyer persona.
    Elen Udovichenko
    All of the listed tactics - they work best in combination 💪 Because content marketing without SEO is kind of useless and outreach works best when it's not email alone but a mix of touch points across different channels.
    William Clark
    @elen_u I completely agree with you. To promote my blog and individual articles, I use every possible channel to get a client. I manage social media pages, write quality content (for example https://justdomyhomework.com/blo...), do SEO, send out an email message. Only active actions can get the desired buyer.
    Ronan Wall
    I agree with @Elen that its about the combination of these tools. I always think about how i like to find partners (intro'ed / recommendation from a trusted connection, awareness from seeing socially or reading about it in press, warm email intro etc). Also Word of mouth cannot be beaten; you network is so important for early B2B partnerships
    I like starting at the bottom of the funnel. Look at user intent and you'll see that any of the above channels can perform. I love early user B2B acquisition experiments to find the blend between low cost, high-intent, and long-term retention. Early acquisition will cost you but it's a necessary evil, imo.