4 things I'm doing to validate my idea faster
Most of my tech experience is B2B high-ticket tech and/or services ($20k+ offers).
I’m currently working on a low-ticket product.
More like $50 p/mo.
It’s a plug-in for web builder platforms like WordPress, Webflow, Shopify…
4 things I’m doing on to validate the idea:
1. I’ve focussed on 1 feature.
It’s tempting to add more because I think it would make the product more desirable.
But I know that’s a trap - it will slow down launch. And it might not make a difference.
Plus I actually want to know if my primary feature is valuable enough for people to pay by itself.
Very helpful to know if it's not.
2. I’m offering a free 30 day trial.
I want people to actually use it.
Minimal friction.
If they pay after the trial thats all the validation to on I need.
I don’t want to sell it with my time.
I’ll promote at scale, offer it for free temporarily, then engage with the people who take up the trial.
Can’t wait to see what I learn about the market from this.
Even if the key takeaway is “nobody cares”. That's useful to know.
3. I haven’t built anything to help with customer service and support.
If I get inundated with questions that’s a nice problem to have. I’ll think of something.
If people need invoices I’ll work it out.
If people want a refund I’ll make it happen.
4. I’m ignoring any bugs that aren't complete show stoppers.
Yes I'm testing the product like crazy.
It need to work and be valuable.
But I don’t want to spend a single moment fixing bugs that:
a) don’t block people from trying to pay, or
b) completely prevent users getting value any from the product
Perfection is the enemy.
If I see data about bugs causing real world problems, or if users voice frustration, I’ll give it my attention.
That’s about it.
I’ll share some updates about the launch as it unfolds.
Hit follow on my profile to get notified - I'm @henwalkco
P.S. Any feedback on my plan? Any thoughts? Any tips?
Positive AND constructive opinions are most welcome.