Jesse Ariss

Launched today! Responding to comments!


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Gustavo Martucci
Nice. I've recently started using Loom for videos. What would you say is the reason I should try Vidyard?
Jesse Ariss
@gumartucci Loom is also great for recording & share quick one-to-one videos. But that's about it for similarities - with Vidyard you can upload one-to-many type videos (like a homepage video for example) embed your videos directly on your website (or wherever you'd like), and our YouTube connection let's you also push your videos to YouTube without downloading and re-uploading. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you do end up giving Vidyard a try!
Gustavo Martucci
@jesse_ariss1 Makes sense. My videos so far have been more quick one-to-ones. Probably in one or two months I'll do some videos for our website and then I'll definitely try it out. Are you launching the free tier today but already had everything else?