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Name one quality you think is essential in a team mate.
It's so hard to pick one! But I will go for empathy.
Ryan Hoover
Choosing just one is hard and it really depends on what role they fill. But a critical trait for anyone I work with: high ethical standards. Naval articulates why this is so important in this 3 minute podcast.
@rrhoover Good one - certainly lots of tech companies have fallen victim to scandals for undervaluing this!
Robleh Jama
Loyalty is important, especially in a founding team.
Eithiriel DeMerè | Language-Market Fit
Compassion - for both your teammates and yourself.
@nikkielizdemere yes absolutely. I've worked on teams where compassion ran low and burnout and insecurity was rife.
Dan Edwards
I’d have to agree on Empathy, makes you a better team mate and a better designer 😊
Alex Devero
Open-mindedness. Without this quality, one can't accept feedback, learn and improve.
Karthikeyan Partheeban
Valuing Morals standards and capable of feeling empathy comes first.
Dependability, or reliability, however you call it
Dhruv Bhatia
@dhruv_bhatia super important!
Stephen Co
@nyte agreed! very essential!
Earnest Tao
I think it's common goal, because people can't come together when they have different motives
Andreas Möller
Alive - they are alive.
Michael Donahue
unbridled wealth
Lanre Akinyemi
Hmm tough one - empathy is my fave but if I had to choose another I'd have to say clear, honest communication.
@lanre_akinyemi essential! Yet hard to do it would seem.
Danielle Rodriguez
Honest communication when issues/blockers arise.
Ahmed Men
I would counterintuitively say : Lazy. As the good old Bill Gates says, “I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because he will find an easy way to do it.”
@demtzu haha that's interesting!
Ahmed Men
too lazy to write something Stefan @stefan_pretorius ? ;p
@stefan_pretorius @demtzu haha I was trying to work it out, too!
Shannon Maloney
Empathy is such a good one! Work ethic is a quality I value hugely in my teammates. Being surrounded by people working hard always encourages me to do more of my best work. Great question!
@shannon_maloney ah yes I agree - good work ethic means so much! You really feel like a team when its there, rallying together.
Adrienne Barnes
Matt Boudreaux
Encouraging - I think the ability to give a team mate support and confidence is extremely important
Johan Bavaud
Integrity. Based on this quote of Warren Buffet: "Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don't have the first, the other two will kill you."
Harshad Dhawale