Our remote team uses names of physical places we used to visit during breaks... as room names in our collaboration tool (something like 'lovely-tea-house') and while taking breaks everyone is like 'hey let's go to lovely-tea-house' and everyone shows up with their tea and coffee mugs in the digital room :)
I like to have certain hours during the day where I keep Houseparty on and colleagues and friends can hop in. This can get distracting, so I just do it during hours where I'm working on something that could be collaborative, and definitely not during times of any deep work.
If you can, switch up your working environment throughout the day. I find it helps my productivity and sanity to take some calls at my home office desk, some from the kitchen counter, and get work done from the couch too. It's easy to go stir crazy when you're confined so change it up however you can throughout the day or week.
Additionally, my team and I just built this free resource directory of all the top remote work articles, videos, templates, and tools to help with the transition! http://remoteworkresources.com/
You WILL miss that gourmet Flat White from the lovely specialty coffee place. Buy yourself a prosumer espresso machine (mine is a bean-to-cup Sage Barista) and learn through YouTube to get (almost) the same coffee. Your days of working from home will be way brighter.
If you're a manager, it's important to provide a space that connects your people to the answers they need to do their job and stay safe. Read, Why knowledge management is essential - https://link.medium.com/quL8OEijW4
When considering buying a new chair (since, admittedly, we all end up doing that), instead of going on Amazon or to that precise super high end company's website, consider checking out eBay first for refurbished ones.
It's more sustainable, and a ton of big companies end up with great chairs that they just want to "give away" for a fraction of the price when revamping their offices.
FORGET TODOLIST & TODOLIST APPS. It's painful, too long & most of the time : unfocused work. Put your tasks directly in your agenda (in Google Agenda for example), so within a few seconds you can check your schedules, how long it is & what you have to do.
Daily plank challenge! It's been really neat just to get my body moving. It takes about 4 mins.
And also meeting with other remote workers on https://meetcafecito.com has been really cool. Lots of us just want face to face time, chances to meet new people, and have a tiny fun break within their day.
@elen_u During the day usually 2! I use this app https://play.google.com/store/ap... and it's been pretty good since it tracks and reminds you to plank everyday for 30 days :) Let me know how you like it!
We have been pretty successful , not only about WFH and Teleworking but also controlling our headquarter . We chose and leveraged with Google infrastructure since they have spent billions to be secure, scale-able. This is what we did https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/c...
I set myself a daily reward, that could be something simple like 30 mins of playing games. "When i have completed these 5 items on my list i will play 30 minutes" Helps me complete those tasks efficiently and without procrastination.
1) Write 1-2 most important tasks on a post it and place it in front of you.
2) Place a yoga mat or dumbbells in the middle of the room to remind you to move every time you get up.
3) Put on noise-cancelling headphones, put on 1 song on repeat (currently listening to Godzilla by Eminem), and turn on fullscreen mode to work.
Try them.
Have a mid-day 7 minute stretch! No mat required, focus on neck and back movements. Especially when your setup isn't 100% (if you haven't invested in a good chair, or standing desk and you're DIY) make sure you're still moving 😊
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