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Developer Tools
  • LiveChat is an online customer service software with live support, help desk software, and web analytics capabilities.
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  • High-quality UX/UI and Wireframe Kits, Illustrations, Templates, and Mockups to make your design workflow faster and easier. Craftwork is a small team of designers and developers. We create our own design stuff and follow new cool products around the internet.
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    Craftwork Design
  • StartupStash is a curated directory of tools and resources to build your startup. All the startup resources you need to build a killer product.
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    Startup Stash
  • Userbase is the easiest way to add user accounts and data persistence to your static site. All Userbase features are accessible through a very simple JavaScript SDK, directly from the browser. No backend necessary.
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  • GrowthList is a curated list of the best growth hacks for startups and small business.
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    GrowthList 📈
  • Convert HTML to an image (jpg, png, webp). Renders images exactly like Google Chrome. Works with PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, .NET and more.
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    html css to image
  • thoughtbot is your expert design and development partner. We bring digital products from validation to success and teach you how because we care. It’s time to move beyond simply building features and start designing the right product with the right strategy. Hire us to build you a world-class iOS, Android, or web app. Let's chat.
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  • Relied upon by more than 11 million developers worldwide, npm is committed to making JavaScript development elegant, productive, and safe. The free npm Registry has become the center of JavaScript code sharing, and with more than one million packages, the largest software registry in the world. Our other tools and services take the Registry, and the work you do around it, to the next level.
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  • Alpaca helps you to trade stocks, options & crypto with algorithms, connect with apps, and build investing services with an easy-to-use API. We support over 25k+ active developers and 150+ global investing app partners. 🦙❤️
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  • Ngrok is multiplatform tunneling, reverse proxy software that establishes secure tunnels from a public endpoint such as internet to a locally running network service while capturing all traffic for detailed inspection and replay.
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  • A free, simple tool to draw ER diagrams by just writing code. Designed for developers and data analysts.
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  • This Sales Widget for ScriptableApp displays your recent Gumroad sales right on your homescreen. 💸 Total income 📦 Total sales 📈 Daily income 📊 Daily sales + recurring sales 🔒 Only communicates with Gumroad 🔄 Last update time 🌓 Bright and Dark theme
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  • I created Orbit, a flexible, visual, and fun way to track time as a way to help easily-distracted people like me manage their most valuable resource 🕘Do you find your #1 obstacle to accomplishing your goals is “not enough time”? 🤷🏼What if I told you there IS enough time—you’re just not aware of it? 😯
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  • PyText is a deep-learning based NLP modeling framework built on PyTorch. PyText addresses the often-conflicting requirements of enabling rapid experimentation and of serving models at scale. We use PyText at Facebook to iterate quickly on new modeling ideas and then seamlessly ship them at scale.
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  • A React component to create Instagram/Snapchat like stories on the web. It can be installed with npm, and takes in array of image URLs. It provides control over the story duration and loading indicator.
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  • pingo is a free & fast image optimizer for web that could reduce filesize by doing automatic, lossless or lossy image transformations. it processes files recursively using multithreading system - consider making a donation: https://css-ig.net/donate - thanks!
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  • React NodeGUI is powered by React ⚛️ and Qt5 💚 which makes it CPU and memory efficient as compared to other chromium based solutions like electron. React NodeGUI is essentially a React renderer for NodeGUI.
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  • Setting up cron jobs is annoying. We’re trying to make it super easy to write a one-off script, put it on a schedule, and start monitoring it right away!
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