• iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app.
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  • À l'heure du RGPD, Axeptio simplifie le recueil du consentement avec une solution conforme et clé en main pour votre site Internet. En choisissant Axeptio, les marques mettent en place une relation plus saine basée sur la confiance et la transparence.
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  • A simple and easy-to-use cookie scanner to identify cookies on a website. Just enter the website URL and submit, you'll get the full cookie scan report in seconds.
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  • kiwi.js
  • The Privacy Button is a Consent Management Plattform ("CMP") that enables you to obtain, manage and document the consent of your website visitors - GDPR- and ePrivacy-compliantly. It's easy to set up, fully customizable and user intuitive.
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    Privacy Button
  • GDPR Form gathers all requests, tracks their progress and streamlines the response to data subjects. Easy-to-configure web form for your customers & website visitors. We help you stay on top of GDPR requests, monitor progress of administration and simplify internal follow-up.
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  • Be transparent with your users and honor their privacy, whilst respecting UX, too. Confirmic is the new way to ask users for cookie consent that doesn’t sacrifice usability. A plug-and-play widget feels native on just about any site. Previously called Metomic.
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