• A collection of resources for underrepresented people in tech. Once a week, we’ll send you upcoming conference scholarships, events, education scholarships, job opportunities, and more.
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  • We looked into gender and race diversity in 200 fast-growing technology companies like Product Hunt, Doist or Buffer and scored them from 1 👎 to 100 👍
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  • The Diversity Avatars collection is an exploration of the beauty and diversity of people and cultures around the world, including all walks of life, religions, and nationalities. UPDATE April 5, 2019 : 750 avatars - https://diversityavatars.com/the-avatars
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    Diversity Avatars
  • A side project that we did over the weekend at Drafted - A lot of companies have been publishing data about diversity and inclusion at their companies, but it's kind of hard to navigate since it's scattered across press releases, blogs, etc. Now there's one place to find all of them!
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