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Desktop Apps
  • Wire™ is the most secure collaboration platform, transforming the way businesses communicate at the same speed that our founders disrupted telephony with Skype. Featuring messenger, voice, video, conference calls, file-sharing, and external collaboration – all protected by the most advanced end-to-end encryption.
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  • Moom makes window management as easy as clicking a mouse button—or using a keyboard shortcut, if you're one of those types of people. With Moom, you can easily move and zoom windows to half screen, quarter screen, or fill the screen; set custom sizes and locations, and save layouts of opened windows for one-click positioning. Once you've tried Moom, you'll wonder how you used your Mac without it.
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  • Camouflage
  • Hide your desktop icons with a single click!
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  • PresenterMate.com a one-click solution to remove all noisy icons from your Mac desktop. No more seeing those unwanted shortcuts all over your beautiful wallpapers.
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  • TinyTake