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  • All-in-one audio & video editing software that runs online in your browser. Record, edit, distribute your videos in a single workflow.
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    Type Studio
  • Contential is a blazing fast data store allowing you to store your data across multiple regions, and access it in milliseconds with auto-generated GraphQL schema and built-in text search.
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  • Specify is a flexible and powerful tool designed to streamline the creation of Design Token processes, customizing them to fit the unique needs of your Design System.
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  • gStudio is an efficient way to design and code production quality interfaces. We provide a tool to Product teams scale design with confidence, building design systems components in record time.
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  • Martechbase is a place where people who love using tech to figure out marketing problems can find the best solutions. Explore the marketing technology ecosystem, find martech experts and showcase your own stack.
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  • Investors Club gives you private access to buy proven and growing online businesses that aren’t listed anywhere else. The deals we list come with full due diligence reports and are ready for you to review right away.
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    Investors Club
  • We believe that making machine learning accessible represents our greatest opportunity to empower everyday business users. That's why we built Obviously AI - The fastest & easiest no-code tool to build and run AI models in minutes, without writing code.
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    Obviously AI
  • Best Startup Books is the biggest curated collection of 640+ must-read startup books on the internet. We've categorized them by genres, topics and authors, so you can pick the best books for your reading list in minutes.
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    Best Startup Books