  • The AI Assistant that replaces knowledge search. Threado AI revolutionizes how your customer-facing teams access and get work done using company's internal knowledge. Setup in minutes on Slack, Microsoft Teams, or as a Chrome app.
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    Threado AI
  • Unlike most calendars, Daybridge doesn’t confine you to a half-empty grid. So you’re free to structure your day exactly how you like. Mix events, tasks, and notes together in the same place.
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  • Design autonomous behaviors for industrial vehicles in simulation, using Python (not ROS). Whatever you design in simulation can be executed by a physical vehicle using the same code.
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    Polymath Robotics
  • YOLOrekt is a decentralized short-term prediction market platform built on blockchain, promoting hyper-gamified social price prediction, and the most dynamic and intuitive user experiences available.
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  • You need to catch your users’ attention in a snap. 💛 Using UpOn, you can quickly design and integrate an onboarding for any website! Improve user retention and effective engagement due to the ready-made templates.
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  • 🔥 New from Queue! 🔥 A marketplace to hire vetted freelance designers for your startup. Hire experts in UI/UX, Product, and even motion designers. Every designer is vetted throughly for expertise in User Experience, Design, and experience with startups.
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