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  • June is product analytics for B2B SaaS. Get auto-generated reports focused on how companies use your product, not users
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  • Your app relies on dozens of external services. Make sure you know the moment they go down so you can respond and recover. StatusTicker takes the hassle out of monitoring and notifications so you can focus on what matters.
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  • An open source contrast-based color generator. Create beautiful, accessible, and adaptive color systems using contrast-ratio based generated colors.
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  • Velocity
  • Scale offers humans on-demand, outsourcing microtasks such as Image Annotation, Audio Transcription, OCR Transcription, Categorization, Comparison, or Data Collection.
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  • BZG create great apps for Apple devices, including Unite, Coherence, and Aerate.
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  • Shoulder Tap is a simple tool to help you manage requests for your time. Turn random shoulder taps into a queue, and give other team members visibility into how many people are looking for your help at any moment.
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    Shoulder Tap
  • MetaSurvey is a new survey type generator. The service allows you to build Tinder-style surveys and present questions in a form of card.
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  • Engineering teams use Paragon's Embedded iPaaS to integrate their applications users' 3rd party tools like Salesforce, Slack, Google Drive with 70% less engineering. Build bi-directional record syncs, ingest 3rd party data to train your LLMs, or automate processes in your users' integrated accounts - all without worrying about the plumbing (auth, rate limits, concurrency etc.). Better yet? You can author these integrations in our visual workflow builder or in code!
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  • No to Rules - Yes to Artists! Pay what you want. Do what you want. No Attribution Required. Curated Royalty Free Music. - Let's create Unsplash for Music. Together. Follow the Journey here->
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  • Just-Sign helps you to quickly create and share : 💻-Professional and visually compelling email signatures 🔗-Email signature with clickable social links 🎯-Increase brand awareness and grow your business faster Good luck 😉
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  • Meetquo is a remote meetings platform, where each teammate participates asynchronously and final decisions get tracked and signed.
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  • The premise is simple, if you update your product, you should update your customers, team, and stakeholders. ReleaseNotes.io makes it simple to create and share product updates via a hosted site, email announcements, and embeddable modals and banners.
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  • CSS only library to fill your empty background with beautiful patterns. Features * Only CSS. No JavaScript! * < 1KB minified and gzipped! * Supports all modern browsers * Built Using SCSS. * Full color control.
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  • Cadence is an app that teams use daily to share progress updates and celebrate milestones directly in Slack. With Cadence, teams save their meeting time for collaboration, not for status updates.
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  • Twingate provides secure access to private app, data and environments, replacing corporate VPNs with a more secure, usable & modern zero trust-based solution. Deployable in minutes, Twingate is built to make remote working easier and more secure.
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  • Equa11y was built from the bottom up with software engineers in mind. It was created to allow developers to implement accessibility testing early and often during their typical workflow. We believe the internet should be accessible for everyone.
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  • GumHub is a one-click solution to sell access to your GitHub repos with Gumroad. You can set up unlimited instances in minutes, and sell access to unlimited repos for no additional fee.
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  • Turn your code in to beautifully images. Choose from a range of syntax colors, hide or show the background, and toggle between a dark and light window. Use keyboard shortcuts to speed up your process. Built by the team at Raycast.
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  • Alerts, watchlists, and automations powered by custom stackable formulas. Workbase automatically scans and runs triggers over your data sources including Salesforce, Snowflake, and other live systems.
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