  • SendPulse maximizes the core metric of e-mail marketing - newsletter open rate - atomatically. We collect tons of data about billions of subscribers in our system and predict the best time and channel for each subscriber when to deliver the next message to him. In a result our customers see 50% open rate increase in average.
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  • Callbell is a SaaS platform for Customer Communication via Mobile Messaging Applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct and Telegram.
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  • Human IPO is a marketplace for investing in people. Discover the most promising individuals you believe in. Buy, sell and exchange human equity backed by future time.
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  • Desk360 solutions let you create an inbox for your mobile apps or websites, integrate into several channels such as social media sites, WhatsApp etc. with no need for any other software and manage customer communications on a single platform.
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  • Free analytical report that provides insights on your WhatsApp chat threads 🔮. The analytical report includes the insights of how you spend time with whom, an orbit chart of your closest contacts, and auto-filled views based on your chat history ⭐️.
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  • WhatsForm is built for those who manage their business through WhatsApp conversations. 1️⃣ Create forms to collect data inside WhatsApp 2️⃣ WhatsApp guarantees 98% open rate for each message 3️⃣ With all the gathered data, Business can operate 2x faster
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