For channel
  • DivByZero is a blog on SaaS marketing. Together with the blog, every now and then, we release free tools to make SaaS marketers's life easier.
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    DivByZero Free Tools
  • Font Playground is a playground to fully explore what these new font technologies can offer and how they can be beneficial to your creative workflow.
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  • The screen recorder that edits videos for you.
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  • You'll Have These When You Buy 😊 â–¶ 101 Podcast Covers â–¶ 101 Instagram Posts â–¶ 101 Pieces Youtube Thumbnails Fully Editable Podcast Cover Designs Figma • Adobe XD • Photoshop (Comig Soon)
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    Podcast Cover Template
  • The truth is, all these scattered tools and poor client collaboration result in wasted time on administrative work instead of making more money. Finally, bring your internal and external collaboration into one place! Focus on billable hours and strategic goals. Think of it as Notion, but Tailored for Professional Services: Project management, knowledge management, and client collaboration, all seamlessly integrated.
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  • Directory is a directory template built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Prisma and Stripe. It has all required features to launch directory idea incredibly fast!
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  • Owledge is a unique search bar that let you search through all your productivity tools (Google Drive, Notion, Slack, Jira, and much more) at once. According to an IBM study, every employee loose 384h/year searching for company knowledge. We give this time back
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