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Saved products for later
  • Stark makes it easy for designers and developers to build with digital accessibility in mind. • Incorporate accessibility at the beginning of the product development process; • Identify historical accessibility errors so teams can make a plan to fix tech debt; • Use Stark inside your regular design and engineering workflows via tooling solutions like Figma and Sketch. Stark also offers browser plugins for every type of browser.
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  • The Ultimate Productivity Stack is a curated directory of resources and tools to help you boost your productivity.
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  • Bring the cloud to your home with umbrelOS - a beautiful home server OS for self-hosting, and Umbrel Home - a plug-and-play home server. Install Nextcloud, Jellyfin, Bitcoin node, and hundreds of self-hosted apps in one click.
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  • The automated billing platform for any pricing model: tiered plan, metrics with limits, usage-based, or recurring subscriptions. Set up your SaaS billing stack with zero effort and scale with developer-friendly billing API, all with no transaction fee forever.
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  • SEO Stuff Keyword Research Tool helps you find the perfect keywords to rank on.
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    SEO Stuff
  • Experience rapid market analysis with CapGo.AI; transform web data into actionable spreadsheet insights instantly. Seamlessly gather vast web information with one click; CapGo.AI makes market research effortlessly fast.
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