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    • Mercari is the selling app. We make it super easy to sell (or buy) almost anything. We all have things we don’t use, never used or simply outgrew. But that stuff still has value. Mercari gives you the power to simply sell it, ship it, and earn some cash for it. Fashion to toys. Sporting goods to electronics. All the brands you know and love.
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    • Mindomo is an online mind mapping tool and collaborative services provider that offers the perfect setting for developing concepts, brainstorming and working within a team.
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    • Accept payments, send payouts, automate financial processes, and ultimately grow revenue.
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    • Founded in 2013 as a tiny side project, Product Hunt has become the place for makers and companies to launch their latest app, gadget, or physical products to the world. It's a global community of friendly folks sharing and discussing the latest in tech.
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      Product Hunt
    • Keeping up with friends is faster and easier than ever. Share updates and photos, engage with friends and Pages, and stay connected to communities important to you.
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    • Dialogue is an app that makes screenwriting enjoyable. Write your screenplays the same way you text, create custom avatars to help identify characters, arrange scenes in any order you want, and export as a PDF screenplay or to desktop to continue writing using a traditional screenwriting application.
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    • StemX is a one-way Video Interviewing platform designed to simplify the recruitment process for both candidates and employers.
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      StemX VI
    • Email is a powerful tool. Everybody in the world has an email address & you can get in touch with them. I developed these email scripts from years of practice and cold emailing. They took me from being a nobody who grew up without an impressive network in rural Pennsylvania to getting coffee with my billionaire mentors & intellectual heroes.
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      Best Email Scripts
    • Come draw like a famous modern artist like Jackson Pollock without the hard work! You can now produce fun, unpredictable, and wildly imaginative artworks with a simple tap of the button and setting changes. This app is equal parts entertainment and education for both adults and kids. Welcome to the world of algorithmic art!
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      Art Generator
    • What drives the growth of the world’s best technology companies? What secret sauce do they all have in common? They all use OKRs. From Google to LinkedIn to Facebook to Oracle, and hundreds of others. Gtmhub has developed the world’s most intuitive OKRs management software powered by 150+ data integrations that let you focus on what matters most.
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    • Command is the ultimate Instagram growth and collaboration tool designed specifically for influencers and brands. For over two years, Command has been helping IG'ers grow and optimize their accounts.
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