  • ChatPDF is the fast and easy way to chat with any PDF, free and without sign-in. Talk to books, research papers, manuals, essays, legal contracts, whatever you have! Millions of students, researchers and professionals use this AI tool to instantly answer questions from any PDF file.
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  • FlipJungle: The AI EdTech revolution for K-12. Experience 1:1 AI tutoring, emotion-sensing diaries, and a multilingual platform in 7 languages. Join and redefine education! -multi-scenario AI Job simulation -group study and personalized 1:1 AI classes for an active to earn -world first large multimodal edtech
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  • Introducing Dorosi AI ๐Ÿš€! With minimal effort, transform imaginative snippets into rich narratives accompanied by breathtaking images. Whether you're a newbie or an experienced IP creator, Dorosi AI crafts tales that captivate both the eye and the mind. ๐ŸŒŸ
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    Dorosi AI - For All Story Dreamers
  • Inspired by Github Copilot, Clap is an AI tool that enhances your writing by completing sentences and providing translation help. It serves as your creative writing assistant.
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  • An AI-powered learning platform with lifelike AI teachers for personalized tutoring, innovative tools for educators, and real-time progress tracking for parentsโ€”all in one ecosystem. /๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿซ Realistic AI teachers for personalized one-on-one learning. /๐ŸŽฎ Gamified courses to spark interest in programming, science and AI. /๐Ÿ“Š AI assistants analyze performance, generate reports, and recommend learning. /๐Ÿ“š Automated conversion of traditional materials into online courses.
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