  • Founder Library is a learning portal packed with a treasure trove of tactical, practical, and credible resources to help founders launch, scale and lead with more confidence and effectiveness.
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    The Founder Library
  • Hanshake dismantles the current monopoly on top-level domains (.com,net,org are all TLDs), which are all controlled by ICANN. While ICANN TLDs cost $185,000 just to apply for, Handshake TLDs are instead distributed through vickrey-style auctions.
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    Handshake (HNS)
  • Mentioned.app is a simple analytics tool that lets you track your website mentions in real-time. Receive an email notification every time your website is mentioned. Track site visits from each link and measure value. Best part? It's Free.
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  • Hi I’m Yucel from my very first product Landing Page Checklist. Landing Page Checklist is a curation website that provides over 100+ tools in 16 categories to help you to build your best landing pages. Please let me know if you have any questions :)
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    Landing Page Checklist