  • KintoHub makes it easy for you to build, test and deploy microservices and cloud-ready features without having to code every service. This is possible because we've made microservices simple from code to cloud and are creating a feature economy that empowers developers to share common features and only focus on their secret sauce.
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  • Goodbye to "Inspect Element" — Visualize the CSS of any element you hover over, instantly, and copy its entire rules with a single click.
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    CSS Scan
  • The Front-End Performance Checklist 🎮 is an exhaustive list of elements with a focus on performance and Front-End Development. Each rule will have a "why" and "how" section to help you in just a few words why that rule is important and how you can fix your issues today.
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    Front-End Performance Checklist
  • Quickly create beautiful website and device mockup from screenshot. Pika lets you capture website screenshots from URL, add device and browser frames, customize background and more
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  • Up deploys infinitely scalable serverless apps, APIs, and static websites in seconds, so you can get back to working on what makes your product unique.
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