  • Simplify was made by me, Michael Leggett. I was Gmail's lead designer from 2008 to 2012 and co-founded Google Inbox. I've been writing Chrome extensions for years to simplify the apps I use but have only ever shared them with friends. With the unfortunate demise of Google Inbox, I wanted to offer a more simplified Gmail experience to everyone.
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    Simplify Gmail
  • Clean Email quickly sorts and deletes thousands of old emails then helps you easily manage all new incoming emails going forward. For personal and business email users looking to be more productive, we make managing your email more efficient - while keeping your data safe and secure.
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  • SaneBox is the leading email organization tool for 12+ years. Winner of PCMag Editors' Choice winner naming "It's the top productivity app we've ever reviewed." Its AI keeps your inbox organized, with lots of features to help you save 3+ hours/week. Works wherever you check email - on all clients and devices.
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  • Triage is first aid for people who struggle to stay on top of their inbox. It doesn’t try to replace traditional email software, but lets you use your downtime to quickly remove the noise and stress.
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    Triage 2
  • Mindmesh is the workspace that puts you in control. Centralize work, notes, todos, and meetings. Jump back in in an instant. Focus on what you should be doing, right now.
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  • Schedule your email at specific times and recover the time you're losing to your inbox. When it's time to "do email", all your messages show up at once. You knock them out one after the other instead of interrupting your flow throughout the day.
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