Mobile app
  • The Paws Project
  • Enki is an AI-powered skills coach that helps professionals and teams fulfill their potential. Our prosumer product is an AI-powered coach in coding, no-code, AI, data and other critical hard skills. It's been used by millions of professionals, with over 10,000 paying customers. Our enterprise product helps scaling companies like Jackpocket, Monzo and Bolt ramp up their employees efficiently and at scale.
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  • Habi
  • There are many apps selling canvas, but what makes us different and why choose our canvas? Because we believe in You as an Artist. We want to make your ideas reality faster, by putting everything you need in one place. You can upload your photo, apply filters view it on the wall and send to print with just a few clicks.
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  • We're stoked to have finally launched on Android! Stop motion & personal time-lapse videos are a great way to add life & motion into your stories, feeds, partnerships and marketing campaigns. Life Lapse makes it easy for you to create content on the fly, all from your phone, that stands out from the crowd.
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  • Tired of wasting your time? We all have that nagging, guilty feeling that we’re letting distractions steal our time. With our app, you can use every minute for the stuff that matters.
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    Blue Cocoa
  • Storyboard, takes video clips and automatically pulls out six frames which it lays out in a comic book-style template. You’ll be able to refresh the app to get new layouts and frames, with Google claiming that there are over 1.6 trillion combinations.
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