  • Blockchain powered tools & protocols for the new internet. Decentralized AI solutions. Anonymous P2P exchanges for cryptocurrency, cash & predictions.
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  • Stop spending $20k+ on a copy-paste smart-contract for your ICO! Launch your crowdfunding with Ethereum today! Fill out easy questionnaire about how you want to raise funds — and deploy the smart-contract to local, test and live Ethereum networks. It's this simple now. Oh, and it's completely free. And did I mention that it's open source? I did.
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  • Krypton citizens together with the Planetary Management Committee are involved in the construction of the planet, formulation of rules, production and distribution of digital assets and development of applications based on Krypton. Launched on 4/30/18, we have 1.2M users, 50K-100K DAUs, 400K wallet addresses and 30K transactions/day.
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