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Goal tracking
A collection of modern team goal tracking software.
  • 15Five is the leading employee communication platform for managers to gain insights into employee progress, and for employees to receive the feedback they need to succeed. This brief, automated weekly process leads to meaningful conversations about everything from how to improve an employee’s role, to the creation of brilliant product innovations.
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  • Stay on track, keep projects organized, and hit deadlines. See project progress, track individual tasks, plan sprints, integrate with other tools, and achieve successful launches.
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  • Lattice is a people management platform that helps companies align, engage, and grow their employees. With Lattice, it’s easy to launch 360 reviews, share ongoing feedback and public praise, facilitate 1:1s, setup goal tracking, and run employee engagement surveys.
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  • 7Geese
  • What drives the growth of the world’s best technology companies? What secret sauce do they all have in common? They all use OKRs. From Google to LinkedIn to Facebook to Oracle, and hundreds of others. Gtmhub has developed the world’s most intuitive OKRs management software powered by 150+ data integrations that let you focus on what matters most.
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  • Statically is a free CDN for developers. It allows you to host any static file you want including JS, CSS, media files and more. Statically analyzes your JavaScript and CSS to reduce the file size. It also optimizes your images.
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  • Qatalog is the world’s first Intelligent Work Hub for work. Our mission is to allow every business to work the way it wants, with software that centralizes people, processes and knowledge. It’s structured and seamlessly connected, meaning work becomes visible, processes are automated, and collaboration is supercharged.
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