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Developer Tools
  • GraphCMS is the next generation GraphQL-Native Headless CMS. Create and access content on any platform.
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  • Glitch is a software company specializing in project management tools.
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  • Insomnia is a cross-platform GraphQL and REST client, available for Mac, Windows, and Linux
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    Insomnia App
  • Dummi
  • Apimint
  • jsonbin.org
  • With Webhook.site, users instantly get a unique, random URL and e-mail address. Everything that's sent to these addresses are shown instantly so you can test and debug Webhooks and HTTP requests. Webhook.site also lets you create workflows using the Custom Actions UI, or scripting languages like WebhookScript and JavaScript, to transform, validate and process HTTP requests in a variety of ways – without setting up and maintaining your own infrastructure.
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  • The Front-End Checklist is an exhaustive list of all elements you need to have / to test before launching your site / HTML page to production. It is based on Front-End developers’ years of experience, with the addition from some other open-source checklists. After the Github repository which received +18000 stars, you can access the app online!
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    Front-End Checklist
  • Hookeepr aims to be the keeper for your webhooks! How does it work? By posting your webhook to Hookeepr, we will store the response into a bucket and filter the response with the config you set. You can retrieve the bucket through API. This is just a beta version. More features will be added soon!
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  • Simple Analytics gives you the analytics you need without invading the privacy of your users, with a clean interface, and simple integration.
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