Zero Inbox
  • This Chrome extension will help you spend less time on your email. If you're a good fit, you'll reclaim about an hour every week. Inbox When Ready makes some changes to Gmail to help you cultivate a better email workflow.
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    Inbox When Ready
  • Clean Email quickly sorts and deletes thousands of old emails then helps you easily manage all new incoming emails going forward. For personal and business email users looking to be more productive, we make managing your email more efficient - while keeping your data safe and secure.
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  • SaneBox is the leading email organization tool for 12+ years. Winner of PCMag Editors' Choice winner naming "It's the top productivity app we've ever reviewed." Its AI keeps your inbox organized, with lots of features to help you save 3+ hours/week. Works wherever you check email - on all clients and devices.
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  • Mailstrom
  • MailTime 2.0
  • Notion
  • Filtr
  • Countdown to Inbox Zero shows you how much time you've left before you have to act on unread emails. Each unread email gets a 12-hour countdown timer. Reply, Mark as Read, Delete or Archive - act on your unread emails quickly to prevent them from piling.
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    Countdown to Inbox Zero