  • Learn French, Spanish, or Italian while browsing the web Fluent automatically translates words on websites so you can learn a language while browsing the web. You never have to set aside extra time just to study. You can now learn from content that you're already interested in.
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  • Remote takes care of global payroll, benefits, compliance and taxes, so you can focus on people.
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  • Call me old fashioned, but sending whale-size emails, full of confusing, pseudo-informative content is CRAP! What's SEXY is a weekly email with Danny DeVito-size viral, growth hack marketing case studies, containing: Strategies, Tools, and Psychology
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  • Listory, the world's first content refinery, extracts the most relevant and meaningful stories, specifically for you. With Listory you can organize and share the content you treasure and save stories to read on your time.
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  • Hellosaurus is an interactive video platform that is reimagining screen time for families. Top kids media creators and YouTube stars are using the Hellosaurus proprietary tools to make participatory shows for kids ages 2-8, streaming on the Hellosaurus iOS app.
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  • Mailmodo is an email marketing tool, powered by AMP Emails, enabling users to create & send app-like interactive emails to improve conversions. As interactions happen inside the email, users can take action seamlessly within the email.
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  • Share your remote story! We are excited to introduce RemoteRated, a focused place to rate and review the remote competence, benefits, and tools of companies. Like Glassdoor, for our new remote world.
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  • The imagi app turns learning how to code into a fun, creative, and social experience! Beginners can level up their coding skills while creating pixel art, and share their creations with a supportive community of fellow imagiCoders.
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  • Polywork empowers the next generation of professionals to build their personal brand & make side income. Join us and create your free site today.
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  • Story Alley is where creative storytellers come together to stay up to date on industry news, trends and resources that help them take their content to the next level. News, tips and tricks and fun facts delivered directly to you once a week.
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  • Tell Sesh about your child’s tantrums each day to receive personalized science-backed techniques you can use right away. Receive daily guidance to coach you through applying techniques. Become a master of tantrum regulation!
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  • When someone dies, people that love them come together. Chptr is a new place for communities to gather, share memories, and build a Chptr that lives on forever.
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  • Talently is the ultimate solution to hire top pre-vetted remote developers without going through an exhaustive hiring process. Just sign up, browse through hundreds of pre-vetted developer profiles, view test scores and match with your ideal candidates.
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  • What if you could document your work processes - in seconds?..WITHOUT awkwardly recording yourself? Glitter AI watches you work, listens to what you say out loud, and stitches everything into a written, visual guide you can edit and share.
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    Glitter AI