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  3. Documentation
  • Docusaurus helps you ship a top-notch documentation site in no time! Focus on your content: just write Markdown files! Put your site online in 5 minutes, then customize it. Full-featured: plugins, themes, search, blog, versioning, i18n, React...
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  • Heyhack Scan - an automated penetration testing solution that surpasses the level of ethical hackers by imitating real hacker sessions with an innovative browser-based approach. Test 100% of your web app. Start testing in a minute. Try it for free!
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  • Build fast content-driven websites, powerful SPA web applications, dynamic server APIs and everything in-between.
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  • Create how-to videos in seconds, easily share with your customers or team.
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  • We built the first knowledge management tool for code, so every dev can quickly understand code and contribute to it. Find & create docs in the IDE, integrate code directly in your docs, and trust that documentation is always up to date.
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  • Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling between scattered conversations across multiple channels. Experience seamless real-time collaboration by simply starting conversations on your product.
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  • What if you could document your work processes - in seconds?..WITHOUT awkwardly recording yourself? Glitter AI watches you work, listens to what you say out loud, and stitches everything into a written, visual guide you can edit and share.
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    Glitter AI