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  • MDBootstrap stands for material design for bootstrap. Or in simple word, a version of bootstrap that inspired with Material Designs. MDBootstrap have hundreds of beautiful components, templates, animations, effects and helpers. Everything fully responsive, compatible with different browsers and it is easy to use.
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    MD Bootstrap
  • Where Shadows Slumber is a mobile adventure puzzle game that takes place in a world that has been plunged into darkness. You will guide Obe, an old man who discovers a mysterious lantern in the forest, on one last journey. In this spooky puzzle game, any object that is entirely covered by shadow can change the next time it is revealed.
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  • The #1 FREE frontend drag & drop WordPress website builder with a cloud marketplace (Hub) of content elements, templates, & extensions for building sites of any complexity without coding. Made for beginners & design experts. Loved by brands like BBDO and TEDx.
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