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  • From flashlights to first aid supplies, JUDY has everything you need for just-in-case, all in one friendly place. Expert-picked tools and supplies for any kind of emergency. Medical supplies for any bumps, bruises, or burns. Nutrient-rich meal replacement bars and emergency water. Worksheets that make it easy to create a personalized plan.
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  • The Levels.fyi Standard is a leveling hierarchy we've abstracted from company-specific names to make aggregation easier.
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  • Popup lets you host a coffee shop from your home. Create a pin on the map with information about your popup. Browse the map for homes near you, and visit them for coffee or co-working!
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  • Summarize Any URL Or Text: School Readings, News Articles, Financial Documents, Anything You Want!
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  • Waywo asks you in regular intervals what you are working on in that certain moment. Fill the information gap between what you wanted to work on and what you actually did. Waywo is keyboard driven and can be used without touching the mouse #hackerstyle 😂
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  • Daymind is a Chrome extension that helps you train your creativity with a fun, witty and challenging creative prompt every single day. Each prompt is crafted to improve your original thinking, ability to generate new ideas and expand your imagination.
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