  • Statsbot is helping you take control of your raw data, providing an all-in-one analysis tool for engineers and non-tech folks alike. Statsbot’s simple dashboards, seamless Slack integration, and premiere customer service are helping teams everywhere get more out of their data.
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  • Hotjar’s visual insights, user feedback, and live interviews show you what site visitors do, and why they do it. Access all the insights you need in one place and join 1.1 million websites in 180+ countries who already use Hotjar to turn their clicks into conversions. Install a single script and get started for free.
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  • Customer service software the way you dreamed it could be. Better conversations, a better customer experience. Used by over 131,000 support heroes
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  • How To Start A Startup
  • Top Startup Books
  • Explore Startup Timelines
  • Understand and master ASO (both iOS and Android), including topics on: 1. Understanding the Algorithms 2. Increasing Visibility 3. Improving Conversion Rate 4. Optimizing for iOS 11 5. Comparison of ASO Tools 6. App Indexing 7. 20 Case Studies Great foundation for beginners + tips, tricks & techniques for expert ASOs Use code: ph25 for 25% off!
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    The App Store Optimization Book
  • Buyte provides a widget that allows you to implement Apple Pay with a simple snippet and have it exposed across all browsers and devices. No longer are your customers force to use Safari to pay with Apple Pay. We also provide full support for our integrations, which means a faulty SSL certificate won't block your streamlined mobile payment method.
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  • Dropbox’s referral program is possibly one of the most famous cases of referral marketing done right. ❤️ That’s why we wanted to do something special for the Product Hunt community and make it easier for you to understand how it works and implement it for your own company.
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