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  • Collect visual feedback from your team and clients directly on your site. Toybox is the fastest way to create, collaborate and manage ideas on any website.
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  • Design systems are more important than ever as companies are building more complex digital products. A design system helps with consistency, eliminates redundancy, and reduces technical debt. Design Systems Repo is a frequently updated collection of Design System examples, articles, books, tools, and talks/presentations.
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  • Remote work is tough, we know. It's hard to stay in touch and know when it's a good time to talk to a team mate. Here's a Simple OSX Toolbar App to help you keep in touch with your team mates by saying less 🔥
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  • 📅 Find the best time to travel with our color-coded calendar ⚖️ Compare multiple flights that best fit your schedule 🔥 Book the best weekend deals of the year
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  • Eva Design System - customizable Design System available for Sketch, with Mobile and Web implementations. The main strength of the Design System is the ability to adapt and integrate your brand making it ideal for any type of product.
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  • Create well-documented products in no time. UI Kit built from scratch for Figma based on the popular React UI library - Ant Design.
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  • The Waitlist API is an easy, lightweight, and free tool to quickly set up a waitlist on your next project. With built-in referrals, it makes it easy to scale, and have a successful launch through user-generated distribution. Also, customer support is 🔥
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  • An all-in-one tool for freelancers, contractors, consultants, and solo entrepreneurs to manage their finances, track projects, store files, and send invoices.
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