  • Rather than checking Top Stories every five minutes, let us do it for you. Every day at 8am & 8pm EST, you'll get an email with every top story. This newsletter is completely free, and will help free up your time.
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  • macOS Catalina offers the world’s best way to play — and add to — your collection of music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, audiobooks, and more.
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  • is a platform where developers can solve programming challenges that reflect problems from real projects. Write code directly in the browser using an embedded IDE. We provovide similar experiance to VSCode. Everything is free!
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  • Dashword is the platform you need to write content that search engines are gonna love. We use machine learning to find the key topics that will help you cover your subject in depth.
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  • Take hundreds of real Cambridge English examinations including the English levels B2, C1 and C2. Use of English PRO contains hundreds of exam-style texts with thousands of assessments that replicate the FCE, CAE and CPE examination experience.
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    Use of English PRO
  • As a high schooler, I developed the platform for other students. With access to notes & quiz functionality, students can learn and test knowledge in subjects. With database of opportunities and organizations, students can find extracurricular opportunities.
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    Open Source Collage
  • Teaching is always better together! We are on online community for Australian teachers who discuss ideas, share successes and support each other.
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  • Built for free with a spreadsheet and Polymer Search. ⠀ ⚡️ 500 carefully-curated spreadsheet resources 📈 Level up your spreadsheet skills fast 🔍 Find exactly what you need with an in-depth interactive discovery experience
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  • It's just a platform where the product founder submits their MVPs and investors come to help them by providing guidance, support, & a micro inventment to pay the founder 6 months salary.
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    Micro Invest