  • Iris is a combination of task manager and mind-map for more flexible and convenient achievement of your goals. It allows you to constantly visualize the whole picture of your goals, tasks, and ideas.
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  • Poindexter is a simple financial planning tool that helps you make smarter business decisions without complicated spreadsheets. No knowledge in finance or accounting required. The app removes all technical barriers by automatically building sophisticated financial models based on simple user inputs; allowing you to focus on higher-level strategy instead of wrestling with nested IF THEN statements.
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  • Until now, most available resources only list tactics and “growth hacks,” offering little guidance on developing a comprehensive retention strategy. The Product Analytics Playbook: Mastering Retention fills that gap; it's the culmination of years of working with the industry's top product teams and retention experts.
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    Mastering Retention - Product Analytics Playbook Vol.1
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