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    • All your notes, bookmarks, inspiration, articles and images in one single, private place. Just save it, and mymind will magically organize it for you with the help of AI.
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    • Elucify
    • timeOS is the first time-aware AI built directly into your daily workflows. From summarizing meetings and conducting follow-ups to accurately scheduling and attending meetings for you.
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    • Blaze is the AI tool that helps teams-of-one create better content in half the time — all in their brand voice. Blaze supports an end-to-end process for creating AI-assisted marketing content in a truly modern document editor.
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    • Have your personalized interviewer in your pocket 24/7 and get actionable feedback right from your content delivery to understanding of concepts. Our AI will adapt to your answers and present you with follow up questions. Just like a real interview.
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    • Buenoverse lets anyone create 2D virtual worlds together in real-time. Our smart AI makes creating worlds quick and simple and much more fun. Just dream it and build it!
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