  • Contra is a slick app for voicing your most honest opinions. It's pretty simple; you pose a two-sided question and get thoughtful responses and votes from people all around the world. Be careful though: it gets suuuuppper addicting because of the debate mechanism. I've personally spent a few too many hours on it, just trying to prove my point!
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    Contra 2.0 — Vote, Debate, Learn
  • Peerlist is a community-led professional network for people in tech with powerful work profiles at its core. A Peerlist profile can be used as a simple resume or a complete portfolio to showcase your work from Github, Dribbble, Product Hunt, and many more.
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  • Charge for async consulting powered by video messaging. Launch revenue-generating products powered by your expertise in minutes–from a 5-minute micro-consult to a monthly retainer. It’s free to get started. Only pay a small fee (5%) when you make a sale.
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