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Bookmark Managers
  • Create, store and share useful links with your team
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  • A social network for people who want to work on the climate emergency.
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  • Coming Soon: Kelvin – a community making the internet a better place for everyone, one website at a time.
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  • Anonymously store and organize links to your favourite online content with linkstore.app. A single passphrase gives you access to your collection from any browser on any device. No personal data is ever collected so your saved links will always be anonymous.
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  • Distraction Blocker (now inactive) is a Chrome extension that prevents you from getting distracted on the web through real-time interventions. We save users over an hour a day by intercepting on distracting sites and showing reports with actionable insights.
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    Distraction Blocker (inactive)
  • Subdex is a tool & social network for building shareable lists of links. Create a list of your favorite websites, coolest tools, helpful resources, and best articles that will help other people find your favorite stuff on the internet. Made in Brooklyn.
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  • Jooseph is an online directory where you can save, discover and share high quality articles, videos etc. through curated collections. ------ Introducing: Extension! Save and organize articles, videos and more with our extension
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  • Turn your browser bookmarks into embedded cards and watch YouTube/Vimeo videos, listen to audio, see images, read articles and more right from one dashboard. Now offers : • Nested folders • Link shortener • Saving links as PDF • Highlighting text on web
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  • All your links and highlights on a public bookshelf, shareable with one link Instantly see what people have been reading, like so: https://curius.app/marley-xiong ✨ Seamless saving - one click to highlight 🧠 Collect knowledge from anywhere
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  • Introducing TweepsBook, an enhanced bookmarking tool for power Twitter users that helps you streamline the clutter by adding different tags and organize tweets based on your liking. With TweepsBook, your time is well spent learning.
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