Mac apps
Somewhat interesting
  • FocusList is a productivity app that helps you get more DEEP work done. Plan your day with timeboxing, stay focused with Pomodoro technique and track your time with our advanced stats.
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  • Itsycal is a tiny menu bar calendar. If you want, it will display your events as a companion to the Mac Calendar app. Itsycal has Dark Mode, ISO week numbers, a customizable system clock replacement, and more.
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  • With just a single drag gesture, you can effortlessly set timers and reminders in an instant, so you can focus on what really matters. 1. Just drag Gestimer's menubar icon to set the duration of your timer or reminder. The further you drag, the longer the duration and time. 2. You can add a title to your timer or reminder to help you remember what it's for. 3. And that's it! Gestimer will keep track of your timers and reminders and notify you when it's time.
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    Gestimer for Mac