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Saved products for later
  • Deel helps thousands of companies expand globally with unmatched speed and flexibility. It's global hiring, HR and payroll in just one system.
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  • Making space planning & interior design accessible to everybody! #floorplanner
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  • Spend less time on email. Go through your emails faster than ever before, keep your inbox organized, and never lose track of a conversation.
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  • ArchiveBox is a powerful, self-hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, and view sites you want to preserve offline. You can set it up as a command-line tool, web app, and desktop app (alpha), on Linux, macOS, and Windows. You can feed it URLs one at a time, or schedule regular imports from browser bookmarks or history, feeds like RSS, bookmark services like Pocket/Pinboard, and more. See input formats for a full list. It saves snapshots of the URLs you feed it in several formats: HTML, PDF, PNG screenshots, WARC, and more out-of-the-box, with a wide variety of content extracted and preserved automatically (article text, audio/video, git repos, etc.). See output formats for a full list. The goal is to sleep soundly knowing the part of the internet you care about will be automatically preserved in durable, easily accessible formats for decades after it goes down.
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    Alternativeto Net
  • Ganbreeder is a collaborative art tool for discovering images using BigGAN. Using the web app, you can mix or "breed" neural networks with each other into evocative, otherworldly imagery. The results can then become physical art. Ganbreeder integrates with Ganvas Studio, which turns your GAN images into posters and paintings.
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  • Voynetch is a place to share your visual notes, graphic recordings, and other informative drawings.
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  • A React component to create Instagram/Snapchat like stories on the web. It can be installed with npm, and takes in array of image URLs. It provides control over the story duration and loading indicator.
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  • Creates all common linear bar code symbologies in vector or bitmap format. It also includes specialist functionality that print professionals need including bar width reduction (bwr), code scaling and vector (EPS) output. ps Plays nicely with macOS Catalina!
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    Barcode Basics
  • The First 500 is a video course that will take you step-by-step through the marketing strategies I used to land my SaaS start-up's first 500 customers. Get access to 2 hours of video tutorials & 25 pages of written content covering everything that I learned.
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    The First 500