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Business Tools
  • myubiquity.com was first indexed by Google more than 10 years ago
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  • Built by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, our mission is to help everyone turn their passions into real businesses.
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  • We're opening the email vault from our $100+ million company. Get 40+ word-for-word email templates we've used at AppSumo to negotiate deals, sell products, generate backlinks, secure influencers, get replies from busy people... and so much more. 🎉
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  • The Flatfile Data Exchange Platform provides developers an easy, fast, and secure way to build your ideal solution for importing CSV, Excel, or other data-files, without compromising on flexibility. With our API-first, event-driven architecture developers can build fully customizable, powerful workflows that address any file-based import use case, combined with a highly intuitive experience designed for end-users. See the magic of Flatfile for yourself and get started today, it’s free!
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