  • Track your crypto portfolio, in style 😎
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  • Bitcoin Lightning Network marketplace to buy and sell stock photos and illustrations
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  • Real news, curated by real humans. Packed with the trends, news & links you need to be smart, informed, and ahead of the curve.
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  • BitTorrent Live
  • Bitcoin Price is an indie, unbiased resource of live data and detailed guides especially aimed at new comers, which are the most vulnerable to scams and fake news. Just started last month, already published over 20k words of super in-depth guides, mended three APIs to make sure we get the right price, and working No ads, no fluff. Critique pls!
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  • An incredibly-easy way to learn the basics and fundamentals of bitcoin! I built this because I found myself having the same conversation(s) over and over and over again with my friends and family - so now, I can just send them to a simple course that I wrote myself! Good luck and have fun!
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  • Bites are cute ready-to-use popups with really clean html/css-code and free xd-sources. Choose any popup you like, set up the appearance trigger, animation speed and type, popup position and fade color in the css file. Then put popup code into your page and connectcss.
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  • Components are building blocks. You are the architect. Easily share and manage components Easily share components between your projects and apps, with zero refactoring or overhead. Help your team scale code-sharing and build faster together.
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