  • Remote Jobs available: Work Remotely as a Programmer, Designer, Copywriter, Customer Support Rep, Project Manager and more! Hire remote workers. Remote OK is the biggest remote jobs board on the web to help you find a career where you can work r...
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  • Create beautiful device mockup presentation for your digital app and website design
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  • Deel helps thousands of companies expand globally with unmatched speed and flexibility. It's global hiring, HR and payroll in just one system.
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  • Goodbye to "Inspect Element" — Visualize the CSS of any element you hover over, instantly, and copy its entire rules with a single click.
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    CSS Scan
  • Design is not some magical pixie dust which you can sprinkle over as an after thought and expect magical things to happen automatically. Design is a thought process and set of skills and capabilities within an organisation. Good Design is Good Business
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  • Spirit is an animation toolkit built to help you create animations for the web directly in the browser
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  • We build beautiful website templates, html templates, Instagram templates. Our design tools help web developers and designers to do their work better.
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